It sure is fun exploring this new medium. My son Julien has given me the amazing gift of this web site. My own Cabinet of Curiosities is on display. It is a wonderful way to continue to pay attention to those ideas and projects that have meant so much to me. If you think Julien could help you, contact him: <jc.whitney@yahoo.com>
I welcome your thoughts and comments.
Dan Simpson's Story Before reading Dan's story read his statement at the bottom of this page: newbookofyears.html
Some of Tom Whitney's stories:My Journey to Hawaii – where I Found My Vermont & American Roots
A Vermont-born Citizen’s History From Republican to Democrat to waving the flag for a Communist to Peace & Freedom and then being elected to office in Sacramento as a Democrat to a surprise in Hawai‘i
Looking for God From the Baptist Church in Burlington, Vermont, to Mauna Kea with Native Hawaiians

Kimo Pihana’s Biography
Pihana is a Hawaiian cultural activist who has spent
the last twenty years becoming more involved in the
culture in which he grew up. Tom Whitney has become
his good friend and Whitney has documented the Pihana
Family's activism over a decade. (His story will soon have its own page.)
What PDF Means In many places on this site you will see red underlined words that you can click on to see PDF (or portable document file) copies of documents. What this means
is that when you click there, that document will soon open up on your screen and you can then read it or do a "Save As" in your File menu to put it on your own computer.
If you have not done this before, try it. Like all this web page stuff, it is truly amazing! If the PDF file does not open, click on the red underlined words here that will take you to Google and you can learn how to download the Adobe Reader from one or another of those files.
Betsy Whitney, Tom’s
sweetheart, operates Dolphin Press, which for more
than thirteen years has been providing Braille translations
of print-to-Braille, large print and audio tapes to
help her clients.
www.dolphinpress.biz |